Thursday, March 19, 2009

Daily master

Ha... there are times when I go for my quick toilet break at work that I'm struck with tots while doing the er-hem 'toilet business'... today is one such day ;p

Something that I have read last time & was reminded of recently just appeared in my head.

All of us born in a developed & comfortable country has forgotten how to enjoy simple pleasures in life that's so important.

Especially in such a safe & properous Singapore, we are given so much things & lead such comfortable life that we started to take things for granted, that nothing satisfied us and we just want more & more & more!

Come to think of it, it's quite perverse & pathetic. We have so much and we are not happy with what we have, in fact alot of people become unhappy because they feel they do not have enough!
No wonder 3rd world country ppl hates us. I don't like it too therefore i shall be mindful of this.

Every new day is a gift for us to learn new things. I learnt not to complain unnecessarily and to treasure what I have.

I'm thankful that I'm surrounded by many like-minded friends who understand what i'm saying and i'm really glad to have them by my side. Seeing them give me hope that our society will not become too materialistic :)

To quote Ajahn Brahm, " In order to relish and know life in its fullness, we should often savour one moment at a time in silence. Then we might get our money's worth in the five-star resturant called life."

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